Minggu, 26 Februari 2012


Have you ever felt like this, when you have close friend, you feels comfort beside him, then he treats you like you're his girlfriend until you're addicted to him? If you ask me about this question, I'll say: YES, I'M ON THIS SITUATION and bloody hell I wanna out from this f*ckin feeling. This is not about I don't like this guy, but if you know the real situation, I don't want to hurt another person, I mean his real girlfriend. I know how sick being hurted-girl, so please, with my deep pleasure, just act like you're brother for me :)

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty. Ya Hello Kitty
I'm a big fan of her. Kinda the most-cute-character-ever. The fact is, i don't really love 'the real cat' but i loves Hello Kitty.
White fur, red bow, sweet smile 

And i have the new one of this character, my besties gave me crystal lamp and little hello kitty inside with red-blue light, thank you :*

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Real Beautiful Twilight

MAGELANG | Wednesday - February 8, 2012 | 18.18 wib
Taken by Ipod 
No edit in color :D

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Islam, Allah ♥

As the moslem since i was being born, ya harus bertanggung jawab dengan apapun yang dilakukan dan harus sesuai dengan aturan islam kan. Tapi bodohnya, baru menyadari belom lama. Ada nih percakapan sama temen kaya gini:
Aku: seneng deh aku kalo lagi ada masalah trus berdoa, Allah slalu kasih jawaban
Her: banget, aku juga gitu, apalagi kalo kamu rajin puasa senin-kamis

It's like "makjleb" sentences, right?
Aku yang istilahnya iman-nya segini aja udah bersyukur banget Allah suka kasih jawaban disaat aku meminta, apalagi orang-orang yang iman-nya segunung itu ya.. Subhanallah

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

another surprising moment..

Hanya ada dua kali dalam hidup sampai usia 21 ini kejutan ulang tahun yang menurutku 'berhasil' mengejutkan. Pertama, waktu ulang tahun 17.Wajar sih sweet seventeen dapet surprise dari pacar jam 12 malem, ada kue tart, boneka anjing besar, and 17 red roses (the sweetest gift). Dan yang kedua adalah baru-baru kemarin ini, ulang tahun ke 21. Dapet banyak doa, harapan, feels like there are so many nice people around me. Kejutannya ada waktu 'he who must not be named' ngajak makan, tiba-tiba di cafe itu  waitress-nya bawain cake dan i'm blushed at that time. Kejutan nggak berhenti disitu aja sih, waktu dianterin pulang dan masuk kost-an, sahabat-sahabat udah bawain another cake sambil nyanyi happy birthday. Yang mengejutkan karna aku sama sekali nggak nyangka mereka dateng dan akhirnya malem itu ngabisin waktu bareng mereka. In this new age, i hope can be more mature, wise, nice with new thought, new story, and new life.

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Last Friday Night (February 3, 2012)

This cake accompanied me when i'm getting older, don't know why but i think 21 is cooler than 20 haha.
Well then, thank you Sir for this cake :)
Cute Hello Kitty 13