Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

A boom just exploded right on my face

A Boom just exploded right on my face!

I'm blank right now, do not know what to do, what to talk, my mind is just full of sweet memories (in past)..
Someone who ever been special for you, and not special anymore because he disappointed you a lot. This is second time for me to felt how bastard man who can not be believed at all. Long Distance Relationshit is not as easy for them who can not keep their heart for their mates. Dude, don't you ever think how hurt when you break your girlfriend's heart? This hurt me so much you know. It's more than painful. And one thing, I do agree with this statement "Expectations always hurt".

Thankyou for loved me for this one and half years. I wish I could erase all the memories you've made.
Cute Hello Kitty 13